Main Volume 1A Part 6

Main Volume 1A Part 6 (pdf)

Contents Pages
10.1.2 Noise sensitive receivers (continued from part 5) 10-3
10.1.3 Background noise monitoring 10-5
10.1.4 Policy framework 10-5
10.1.5 Noise modelling 10-6
10.2 Existing environment 10-7
10.3 Assessment criteria 10-9
10.3.1 Construction noise 10-9
10.3.2 Construction vibration 10-12
10.3.3 Operational noise 10-15
10.4 Assessment of construction impacts 10-20
10.4.1 Construction activity noise 10-20
10.4.2 Ground-borne noise 10-32
10.4.3 Construction traffic noise 10-33
10.4.4 Construction vibration 10-34
10.4.5 Blasting 10-35
10.5 Assessment of operational impacts 10-36
10.5.1 Road traffic noise assessment 10-36
10.5.2 Operational ancillary facilities 10-42
10.6 Assessment of cumulative impacts 10-43
10.6.1 Construction 10-43
10.6.2 Operation 10-43
10.7 Management of impacts 10-43
10.7.1 Project design features that manage impacts 10-43
10.7.2 Environmental management measures 10-43
11 Human health 11-1
11.1 Assessment methodology 11-1
11.1.1 Method of assessment 11-1
11.1.2 Study area 11-2
11.1.3 Field survey and analysis 11-3
11.2 Existing environment 11-3
11.2.1 Population profile 11-3
11.2.2 Existing health of population 11-6
11.2.3 Existing air quality 11-6
11.2.4 Existing noise and vibration 11-6
11.3 Assessment of construction impacts 11-7
11.3.1 Air quality 11-7
11.3.2 Noise and vibration 11-7
11.4 Assessment of operational impacts 11-8
11.4.1 Air quality 11-8
11.4.2 Assessment of regulatory worst case scenarios 11-16
11.4.3 Assessment of in-tunnel air quality impacts 11-19
11.4.4 Noise and vibration 11-23
11.5 Assessment of social impacts on health 11-24
11.6 Changes in noise 11-26
11.7 Changes in community 11-27
11.8 Assessment of cumulative impacts 11-28
11.9 Management of impacts 11-28
12 Property and land use 12-1
12.1 Assessment methodology 12-1
12.1.1 Overview 12-1
12.1.2 Residual land assessment criteria 12-2
12.2 Existing environment 12-2
12.2.1 Regional context 12-2
12.2.2 Local context 12-3
12.2.3 Potential future development 12-13
12.3 Assessment of construction impacts 12-14
12.3.1 Property and land use impacts 12-14
12.3.2 Property access impacts 12-33
12.3.3 Impacts on Crown land 12-33
12.4 Assessment of operational impacts 12-34
12.4.1 Property impacts 12-34
12.4.2 Land use impacts 12-34
12.4.3 Overshadowing 12-37
12.5 Management of impacts 12-38
13 Urban design and visual amenity 13-1
13.1 Assessment methodology 13-2
13.2 Existing environment 13-2
13.2.1 General landscape and visual character 13-2
13.2.2 Landscape character zones 13-3
13.2.3 Representative sensitive visual receivers 13-4
13.3 Assessment of construction impacts 13-26
13.3.1 Overview 13-26
13.3.2 Impacts on sensitive receivers 13-27
13.3.3 Construction lighting impacts 13-31
13.4 Assessment of operational impacts 13-33
13.4.1 Landscape character impacts 13-33
13.4.2 Visual receivers 13-33
13.4.3 Desired future character assessment 13-42
13.4.4 Urban design assessment 13-43
13.4.5 Parramatta Road Urban Transformation Program 13-47
13.5 Management of impacts 13-48
13.5.1 Urban design 13-48
13.5.2 Landscape character and visual amenity 13-48
14 Social and economic 14-1
14.1 Assessment methodology 14-1
14.1.1 Approach 14-2
14.1.2 Social impact assessment framework and rating 14-2
14.1.3 Economic multipliers 14-3
14.1.4 Study area 14-3
14.1.5 Community consultation 14-6
14.2 Existing environment 14-6
14.2.1 Study area existing environment 14-6
14.2.2 Precinct existing environment 14-14
14.2.3 Parramatta Road Urban Transformation Program 14-16
14.3 Assessment of construction impacts 14-17
14.3.1 Economic stimulus – construction expenditure and employment 14-17
14.3.2 Changes in amenity 14-18
14.3.3 Changes to accessibility 14-19
14.3.4 Property and household impacts 14-20
14.3.5 Social infrastructure 14-21
14.3.6 Business impacts 14-24
14.4 Assessment of operational impacts 14-24
14.4.1 Economic stimulus – operational expenditure and employment 14-25
14.4.2 Changes in amenity 14-25
14.4.3 Freight and efficiency 14-26
14.4.4 Acquisition 14-26
14.4.5 Changes in passing trade 14-26
14.4.6 Changes to accessibility 14-26
14.4.7 Social infrastructure 14-28
14.5 Assessment of cumulative impacts 14-29
14.6 Management of impacts 14-30
14.6.1 Ongoing stakeholder engagement 14-30
14.6.2 Environmental management measures 14-30
15 Soil and water quality 15-1
15.1 Assessment methodology 15-1
15.1.1 Overview 15-1
15.1.2 Legislation and policy framework 15-2
15.1.3 Water quality monitoring 15-4
15.2 Existing environment 15-4
15.2.1 Soils 15-4
15.2.2 Waterways and riparian zones 15-6
15.2.3 Sensitive receiving environments 15-8
15.2.4 Water quality 15-8
15.3 Assessment of construction impacts 15-10
15.3.1 Construction impacts on soils 15-10
15.3.2 Construction impacts on water quality 15-11
15.4 Assessment of operational impacts 15-14
15.4.1 Operational impacts to soils 15-14
15.4.2 Operational impacts to water quality 15-14
15.5 Management of impacts 15-16
15.5.1 Project design features that manage impacts 15-17
15.5.2 Environmental management measures 15-17
16 Contamination 16-1
16.1 Assessment methodology 16-1
16.1.1 Desktop review 16-1
16.1.2 Site inspection 16-2
16.1.3 Site investigations 16-2
16.1.4 Preliminary conceptual site model 16-2
16.1.5 Study area 16-10
16.2 Assessment criteria 16-10
16.3 Existing environment 16-11
16.3.1 Section 1: West of Homebush Bay Drive to Pomeroy Street 16-11
16.3.2 Section 2: Pomeroy Street to Ismay Avenue 16-13
16.3.3 Section 3: Ismay Avenue to Carrington Lane 16-13
16.3.4 Section 4: Carrington Lane to Broughton Street 16-15
16.3.5 Section 5: Broughton Street to Dobroyd Canal (Iron Cove Creek) 16-16
16.3.6 Section 6: Dobroyd Canal (Iron Cove Creek) to Bland Street (including Wattle Street) 16-18
16.3.7 Section 7: Bland Street to Orpington Street 16-19
16.4 Assessment of construction impacts 16-20
16.4.1 Potential contamination pathways 16-20
16.4.2 Acid sulfate soil impacts 16-23
16.4.3 Contamination resulting from the project 16-23
16.5 Assessment of operational impacts 16-23
16.6 Management of impacts 16-24
17 Flooding and drainage 17-1
17.1 Assessment methodology 17-1
17.1.1 Methodology overview 17-1
17.1.2 Policy and guidance 17-2
17.1.3 Study area and analysis 17-2
17.2 Existing environment 17-3
17.2.1 Catchment descriptions 17-3
17.2.2 Environmental conditions 17-8
17.2.3 Present day flooding conditions 17-8
17.3 Assessment of construction impacts 17-10
17.3.1 Flood risk to the project 17-10
17.3.2 Potential impacts of construction activities on flooding behaviour 17-13
17.4 Assessment of operational impacts 17-17
17.4.1 Flood risk to the project and impact on flooding behaviour 17-17
17.4.2 Potential impacts of future climate change 17-22
17.5 Management of impacts 17-23
17.5.1 Project design features that manage impacts 17-23
17.5.2 Environmental management measures 17-24
18 Groundwater 18-1
18.1 Assessment methodology 18-1
18.1.1 Overview 18-1
18.1.2 Ground and surface water monitoring 18-3
18.1.3 Policy framework 18-3
18.2 Existing environment 18-5
18.2.1 Drainage, topography and geology 18-5
18.2.2 Groundwater levels and movement 18-6
18.2.3 Groundwater quality 18-9
18.2.4 Groundwater dependent ecosystems 18-11
18.2.5 Groundwater users 18-11
18.3 Assessment of construction impacts 18-11
18.3.1 Groundwater inflow rates and recharge 18-11
18.3.2 Impact on groundwater quality and contamination 18-14
18.3.3 Ground movement 18-15
18.4 Assessment of operational impacts 18-16
18.4.1 Groundwater drawdown 18-16
18.4.2 Groundwater recharge change 18-20
18.4.3 Groundwater inflow rates and chemistry 18-20
18.4.4 Potential impact on groundwater dependent ecosystems 18-21
18.4.5 Impacts on other groundwater users 18-22
18.4.6 Impact on groundwater quality and contamination 18-22
18.4.7 Potential for acid sulfate soil drainage 18-23
18.4.8 Groundwater management, treatment and discharge 18-23
18.4.9 Summary of impacts having regard to the Aquifer Interference Policy 18-23
18.5 Management of impacts 18-25
18.5.1 Project design features that manage impacts 18-25
18.5.2 Environmental management measures 18-26
19 Non-Aboriginal heritage 19-1
19.1 Assessment methodology 19-1
19.1.1 Overview 19-1
19.1.2 Legislation and policy framework 19-2
19.1.3 Study area 19-2
19.1.4 Assessment of historical archaeological resources 19-3
19.1.5 Assessment of heritage impacts 19-11
19.2 Existing environment 19-12
19.2.1 Historical archaeology 19-12
19.2.2 Heritage items and conservation areas 19-18
19.3 Assessment of impacts 19-30
19.3.1 Historical archaeology 19-30
19.3.2 Heritage items and conservation areas 19-32
19.4 Management of impacts 19-43
20 Biodiversity 20-1
20.1 Assessment methodology 20-2
20.1.1 Overview 20-2
20.1.2 Desktop assessment 20-2
20.1.3 Likelihood of occurrence assessment 20-3
20.1.4 Field surveys 20-3
20.1.5 Legislation and policy framework 20-4
20.2 Existing environment 20-5
20.2.1 Vegetation communities 20-5
20.2.2 Flora species and populations 20-6
20.2.3 Fauna species and populations 20-12
20.2.4 Migratory species 20-13
20.3 Assessment of construction impacts 20-14
20.3.1 Direct impacts 20-14
20.3.2 Indirect impacts 20-17
20.4 Assessment of operational impacts 20-19
20.5 Assessment of cumulative impacts 20-20
20.6 Management of impacts 20-20
20.6.1 Biodiversity offsets 20-22
21 Greenhouse gas 21-1
21.1 Assessment methodology 21-1
21.1.1 Greenhouse gas assessment boundary 21-2
21.2 Existing environment 21-3
21.2.1 Policy setting 21-3
21.2.2 GHG emissions reporting 21-3
21.3 Assessment of construction impacts 21-4
21.4 Assessment of operational impacts 21-5
21.4.1 Emissions from road infrastructure operation 21-6
21.4.2 Emissions from vehicles during operation 21-6
21.5 Combined GHG emissions 21-7
21.6 Management of impacts 21-9
22 Aboriginal heritage 22-1
22.1 Assessment methodology 22-1
22.1.1 Overview 22-1
22.1.2 Legislation and policy framework 22-2
22.2 Study area 22-3
22.3 Existing environment 22-3
22.3.1 Landscape context 22-3
22.3.2 Ethnographic and archaeological context 22-3
22.3.3 Site predictions 22-4
22.3.4 Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System 22-4
22.3.5 Survey results 22-4
22.4 Assessment of potential impacts 22-6
22.5 Environmental management measures 22-6
23 Resource use and waste minimisation 23-1
23.1 Assessment methodology 23-1
23.2 Legislative framework 23-1
23.3 Assessment of construction impacts 23-2
23.3.1 Construction resource consumption 23-2
23.3.2 Construction waste management 23-3
23.4 Assessment of operational impacts 23-6
23.4.1 Operational resource consumption 23-6
23.4.2 Operational waste management 23-6
23.5 Environmental management measures 23-7
24 Climate change risk and adaptation 24-1
24.1 Assessment methodology 24-1
24.1.1 Pre-screening 24-2
24.1.2 Screening 24-2
24.1.3 Detailed risk assessment 24-2
24.1.4 Risk evaluation 24-3
24.1.5 Adaptation (risk treatment) 24-3
24.2 Existing environment 24-3
24.2.1 Future climate 24-4
24.3 Assessment of construction impacts 24-6
24.4 Assessment of operational impacts 24-6
24.4.1 Risk evaluation 24-6
24.5 Management of impacts 24-7
25 Hazards and risk 25-1
25.1 Assessment of construction risks 25-1
25.1.1 Storage and handling of dangerous goods and hazardous substances 25-1
25.1.2 Transport of dangerous goods and hazardous substances 25-2
25.1.3 Underground services 25-3
25.1.4 Risk of tunnel collapse 25-3
25.2 Assessment of operational risks 25-3
25.2.1 Storage and handling of dangerous goods and hazardous substances 25-4
25.2.2 Transport of dangerous goods and hazardous substances 25-4
25.2.3 Incidents in the tunnels 25-5
25.2.4 Incidents on surface roads 25-6
25.3 Environmental management measures 25-6
26 Cumulative impacts 26-1
26.1 Nature of cumulative impacts 26-1
26.2 Assessment methodology 26-2
26.3 Existing environment 26-2
26.3.1 WestConnex 26-2
26.3.2 Other nearby developments 26-4
26.4 Cumulative impacts of WestConnex component projects 26-7
26.4.1 Traffic and transport 26-7
26.4.2 Air quality 26-8
26.4.3 Noise and vibration 26-8
26.4.4 Economic impacts 26-9
26.4.5 Social impacts 26-10
26.4.6 Non-Aboriginal heritage 26-10
26.4.7 Biodiversity 26-10
26.5 Cumulative impacts of other nearby developments 26-10
26.5.1 Traffic and transport 26-11
26.5.2 Amenity impacts 26-11
26.6 Management of impacts 26-12
27 Sustainability 27-1
27.1 What is sustainability? 27-1
27.2 WestConnex Sustainability Strategy 27-1
27.3 Sustainability management measures 27-2
27.4 Ecologically sustainable development 27-10
27.4.1 Precautionary principle 27-10
27.4.2 Inter-generational equity 27-10
27.4.3 Conservation of biological diversity and ecological integrity 27-11
27.4.4 Improved valuation and pricing and incentive mechanisms 27-11
28 Environmental risk analysis 28-1
28.1 Overview 28-1
28.2 Preliminary environmental assessment 28-2
28.3 Assessment of key issues identified in the Secretary’s environmental assessment requirements 28-2
28.4 Risk analysis summary 28-3
29 Summary of environmental management measures 29-1
29.1 Environmental management plans (or systems) 29-1
29.2 Summary of safeguards and management measures 29-1
30 Project justification and conclusion 30-1
30.1 Justification 30-1
30.1.1 Summary of strategic need and justification 30-1
30.1.2 Achieving project objectives 30-2
30.2 Objectives of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (1979) 30-4
30.3 Conclusion 30-6

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